Mistakes welcome HERE

I am a recovering perfectionist.

I don’t like to admit it, but I am. Perfectionism can be the enemy of accomplishment. At least for me anyway.Why do I say this? Because there have been so many times that I have quit if things didn’t turn out they way I thought they should. Do I accomplish what I am hoping to? No because in my head it isn’t turning out as I had pictured in my head.

I had the privilege...

I had the privilege to work for a business in which children came in because they predominately struggled in school. Sometimes it was because they had given up in school because they expected themselves to be perfect. They didn’t know that, but it often came out when we worked with them.We did lots of activities that were not related to school. They took an assessment before we started working with them and so we knew area that were weaker than other areas. The weaker areas were hard and guess what? They always wanted to quit. Sometimes you could convince them to keep trying, but so often there would be a stubbornness that set in. I didn’t always know what was behind it. Was it fear or shame or something else.

The one thing...

The one thing that was a common thread was that they did not like to make a mistake. One tactic that we would do is make them make a mistake. Then help them laugh at themselves and to keep going even thought they made a mistake. Soon mistakes were not a big deal at all.I remember those days fondly, because even though I was training the children that came in, they were training me too. For you see, I learned to laugh a little more at myself and keep going too when I made and make mistakes. The pictures in my head of the way that things should turn out has a little bit more grace and creativity.

How about YOU?


How do you handle mistakes? Do they hold you back or are you able to push through? If you know that you deal with a little perfectionism and want to break through it even more (Click here) and let’s schedule a complimentary call. Let’s talk about that. A complimentary call is a full hour of us working together. If we are a great fit, then we can explore working together for a longer period.


Taking a STEP
